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C is the base programming languages to build strong logics & programming concepts. These languages are the foundation of Software Development field.
Absolutely yes. This course will make you very strong in programming skills and on top of this you can explore many different career options by choosing advanced technologies.
Concept of Computer, OS and its functions, Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter, Linker, Loader. Types of Languages (Machine Language, HLL, LLL), Compiling & Debugging, Character Set, Constants, Variables and Data Types, Algorithm & Flow Charts with examples.
Operators- Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment, Increment and Decrement. Conditional, Bitwise, Special Operators, Arithmetic Expression, Expression Evaluation. Type Casting, Precedence Rules, If, if-else, switch statement with Problem Solving and Nesting. Looping- while, do-while, for, Break, Continue, goto.
Calling, Declaration of Standard and User Defined Functions, Call by value & Call by Reference, Recursion with examples. Understanding Pointers, Accessing the address of a variable, declaring and initializing pointer, Pointers Arithmetic.
One-dimensional arrays, Two-dimensional arrays and their Memory Representation. Passing array in functions, Declaring and initializing String variables, Reading/ Memory Representation of String, String handling functions. Pointers to arrays, Pointers to String, Pointers to functions with examples.
Structure Declaration, Structure definition, managing the Records through Structure with examples.Passing Structure in Function, Union, Enum and Typedef. Pointers to Structures, Command Line Arguments [Array of Pointers to String] with examples.
Console & Disk I/O, Formatted & Unformatted I/O Operation, with examples. Open, Close, Reading, writing & appending Records in a File with examples. Pre Processor Directives with examples.
Introduction to Annotations Marking a POJO as persistent entity, Defining Table, Mapping simple properties, Declaring column attributes, Mapping identifier properties, Generating the identifier property, Mapping entity associations/relationships, One-to-one, Many-to-one, Collections, One-to-many,