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STRUTS is very popular framework in Java. This framework is MVC based and is widely used in the Software Development field.
Absolutely yes. This course will make you very strong in web development skills and on top of this you can explore many different career options.
Struts 2 Features, Why Struts 2, Struts 1.x Vs. Struts 2.x, Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, First Struts Web Application
Architecture of Struts 2, The Flow of Struts 2 based Application, How Struts Works?, Struts 2 Core components, Struts 2 Action, Different uses of Struts 2 Action, Struts Configuration file - struts.xml, Exploring struts.xml
Simple Login Application, Struts 2 tags (Control Tags, If / Else If / Else, append, generator, iterator, merge, sort, subset,), Data tags (url and a tags, bean, action, date, debug, i18n, include, param, set, push, property, text tag,), UI Tags(Basic Tags (textfield, password, submit, actionerror and actionmessage), checkboxlist, radio, select and textarea, doubleseclect, inputtransferselect, updownselect and optiontransferselect, optgroup, token, file, reset).
Configuring Interceptors, Stacking Interceptors, Framework Interceptors, Method Filtering, Interceptor Parameter Overriding, Interceptor Parameter Overriding Inheritance, Writing your own interceptors, using pre-defined interceptors, File Upload Interceptor, Uploading Multiple files, Internationalization and Localization, Using CAPTCHA.
Struts Tiles, Using Tiles, Building and Using Your First Tile Layout, Change your deployment descriptor, Defining tiles definition
Introduction to Annotations Marking a POJO as persistent entity, Defining Table, Mapping simple properties, Declaring column attributes, Mapping identifier properties, Generating the identifier property, Mapping entity associations/relationships, One-to-one, Many-to-one, Collections, One-to-many,